Only our national Santa Claus is magic
mature swingers, European and American Santa Claus, the bish in our holy Nicholas, round orphans. Well, they have no women! And only in Italy New Year gifts to distribute to Baba Natalia. So they really, Italians, arranged - not a single night, including New Year, can not do without women!
Natalia, a gift that mature swingers, young and beautiful. And, most importantly, damn sexuality. Benefit it does not need
mature swingers and cotton trousers - at Apeninskom peninsula temperature seldom falls below minus ten. Ottrahat Babu Natalya - is something like the Italians have a national sport, and here on 31 December last year…
31 December last year, the network owner Roman sex shop decided to make their permanent clients very original gift - enable perespat Baboy with Natalia. To that end, he hired one of inexpensive local prostitutes, handed her a list of addresses and, bless, has sent the case. Case naryazhennoy in the same costume, Natali Baby girl named
mature swingers was how simple, and so pleasant: to donate his love of eleven residents of Rome.
It must be said that with its work, the girl coped brilliantly: among those whom she visited at a pre-day, no one was left unsatisfied customer. Hard to say what brought these men greatest joy: whether it is love, whether that love is not cost them any penny. One of the men entered oschastlivlennyh Louise gratitude to such a beautiful Natale that before dragged the girl into the bed, and included a video camera to film all their love on videotape.
It is clear that the next day, he only embarked sun, ran with this film to friends - boasted. And we should f happen that among his friends was a film director. He highly praised sexuality and artistic ability of the girls, and already one month Notti Louise was invited to a central role in the movie "Love me as I have". The film, as you understand, was pornographic.
What you need a beautiful young girl to become a star? Quite a bit: a chance. Louise Notti got this chance and used it to all one hundred percent. Few first film with her participation received in the sale, as half of Italian men instantly fell in love with Louise exactly as it is - Leggy, with lush breast and sexual so that, once looking at her, to withdraw from the eyes of perfection has been impossible.
It is that the next film, with the participation of Louise Notti did not make them wait long. They became a painting entitled "I will teach you everything". In general, this film could be shown in schools on the lessons of ethics and psychology of family life, if he was not quite so frank. In the film in just one hour and a half Louise demonstrates all kinds of sex: vaginal, oral (and minet, and kunnilingus), anal. And on the final credits, she is love with a girl. As a result, "I will teach you everything" can be considered the most of this encyclopaedia sex. And Louise from everything that doing it on the screen with its partners, enjoys.
"I do not have to pretend in front of the camera or artificially portray any feelings - she spoke in an interview. -- All happens by itself. When next to me is
mature swingers man, I slowly start to plant, and within a few minutes, I literally expires juice. Sometimes I even have to restrain their emotions to act on the screen scenario unfold on film. More difficult of all, I have to, when two or three partners - I get an orgasm for orgasm and forget about the chamber ".
And what is the account operator, who only oversees all those in the viewfinder camera? One of the operators involved in the shooting of the film "I will teach you everything" frankly admitted: "To not get off from the mind, to me several times a day had to run to the toilet wanker. B. If I do not, then perhaps, at some point just to be attacked Louise directly in the process of filming ".
As a result, less than a year, Louise Notti pornozvezdoy in Italy has become the number one, leaving behind all their konkurentok. And in December it was officially awarded the title of the Italian sex symbol. Together with the corresponding diploma Louise received platinum crown, decorated with diamonds and emeralds - точь-in-a точь, which under the evening of December 31, comes home to the Italians Baba Natalia. But, unlike the fairy-tale Natali, Louise Notti crown its hard-earned honest, that is, however, did not prevent her from the Crown to refuse the organizers of the ceremony and ask her to list the cost to the fund one little orphanage in southern Italy. Togo itself, where Louise passed childhood. Here's a Christmas story about an orphaned girl, which turned over the years in the real beauty, покорила entire country. This story could well become a tale, if all of it - from first to last word - was not a very present truth. So, as you can see, miracles happen not only in books and a movie, is a place for them in life.