We recently and finally got invited to a party. Somehow and somewhere the sex gods let us be a guest. We've had a few parties and no one ever asked us to one. Apparently the clean sheets, new towels, candles, five star food and bar weren't enough. Well, maybe it was because my husband has a large growth and frequently requires rescue from public situations. He is shy in front of crowds or groups greater than 5 million and has anxiety attacks at the thought of making love with a woman that desires him. But if you kiss him and give him your attention he'll make love, screw you silly, and invite you to sleep with him and go shoe shopping in the morning! Hey, that's how he got me and I'm sharing.
I and we know that it is of chance in this crazy lifestyle to be welcomed to a true party. This wasn't a meet and greet but a thoughtful invitation that we were included. In fact we were invited to a small party of people we have never met and from couples that were a lot younger than us. We talked on the telephone (how refreshing) before the day and couldn't wait! It wasn't about youth or young fantastical bodies, it was about swinging and some understanding that we had already agreed upon in our ageof understanding.
Well before I talk of the sex...these were the most secure and sexually mature couples we have met. Young but wickedly bright and open. Where and the heck does that come from? These are the kids we complain about for a lack of accountability! Not the case here! These were youthful and young people that had a grasp on responsibility and good at it. They also shared something that is sacred. They were uninhibited and shared sex. Not like the 60's and 70's, but with a connection. They really got it! They are swingers and and not sold on NSA as a caveat. They are willing to experiment and take it a step further. Why do I say this?
We went to a small gathering and met two couples. This is a nice way to live the lifestyle. There was no dinner, no broken dates, just an assumption of pleasure and trust. They are the most refreshing, fun, young, and sexual couple we have ever met. They are a hoot without the sex. While we have stories of sexual pleasure and blog of the pitfalls of couples dating, I finally get to write about satisfaction with a name.
I think it is very hard for couples to connect. It is hard for singles! While we have no connection with them in a comfortable in love couples sense (but it would be nice)...they are wickedly mature and take their sex with passion. Not from the lifestyle but from inside. This is the bridge that cannot be defined between fantasy and a desire for stepping out. Where am I heading with this?
He fucked me. He smelled my perfume, my sex, my juices. He made me leave my control for my spasms. I was open to him for hours of pleasure and his penetration and release. She was beautiful to look at and more attractive when she took my husband and completed his desire. Her hair was like her youth...long and full. She moved it aside so my husband could see her eyes while she sucked him and accepted him in her. She spread her legs and let him take her sex on him and open her sexual cunt to him.
Not far apart in distance and at the same time she gave herself completely. I did the same. I took his penetration and sex as genuine and let my orgasms come and repeat on the position, his thrusting, and until I could take no more and still wanted more. My husband fell in love with her tenderness and sex. He found his way inside her and tried to save his release. He couldn't resist her sex and his desire and wanted to share what came from inside. It was for her and what she had made impossible for him to hold, his cum, his cream, that wonderful cream that comes from inside and very personal. She shared that personal moment. She gave him her sex and offered it when he was ready. She kissed him, she put her arm around him, and she gave her desires completely! Twenty minutes later they were connected again like dogs that couldn't be separated. Okay, I think he had it bad for her...she was way too cute and he was cunted by her!
I am so pleased and happy to write about a couple, the lifestyle and telling a story that hopefully we can all relate to and hope for!