There are no set limits about a person or couple that can join the swinging community. However, the majority of the swingers in this community are established couples who are married, or at least know something about each other for some time, and having a strong bond. A strong bond means that you can trust each other, believe, and know they are doing things to enhance the relationship your in. When someone reaches out, cheats, or does things that turn more into just trying to make the fun all about them, it causes issues and problems. This is not just between the two people, but shows up in the swingers community. There is no one excluded, including singles. Anyone can be a swinger. There are no real limits or rules for couples or individuals who wish to enter into swinging lifestyles.
However, please note that those rude, stalkers, and other so called trouble makers and so forth, will be ignored quickly, finding no way to break into the real swinging world. THIS IS A HINT; if your having problems getting in, it means you might have to take a look at what your doing wrong. There is some edquitate that people of all walks of life should follow. Single people usually have a tougher time working into the swinging lifestyle. It can be done.
It is recommended for those couples who wish to enter into a swinging lifestyle to have a strong bond. Your relationship should be founded on mutual respect and trust. It is very true to say that many couples find the thought of having sex with other people to be very attractive and sensual. Also if your a single person you must have respect of others, and understand that your not always going to be included.
What everyone is after is the final results. Which is where each person/couple will find a swinging form. Where they are able to channel in enhancing their own sex lives and primary relationships. Then there is another way to look at swinging. If you or your partner are uncomfortable with people being sexually attracted and/or flirting. Perhaps, you both have hidden agendas in your relationship with one another then swinging is not suitable for both of you.
The whole concept of swinging is built on communication. If anyone, you and or you and your partner can not have an open conversation about each others feelings. Specially those towards other relationship problems. Along with you conversing about sex and anything related to it. Then swinging would only complicate your thoughts, and your relationship. It would then be better for both of you to wait a little while before entering into such “lifestyle”.
This is a lifestyle, where it is made to enhance, make people and couples be able to enjoy each other more, along with filling some of the dreams, and fantasies they may have and the partner is not able to fill totally. One would be again like bondage, or perhaps a threesome-after all it takes three people. AGAIN the main part, the glue that holds it all together is the communication.